Listing 4: A sample online help menu
# Listing 4
# mantxt - the online man pages menu for commonly used shell commands
<mainmenu p>clear
<mainmenu p>echo "main" > formkey
<main> Shell Commands - Online Help
<main> Users Data Files
<main>who (who is on) grep (text search) ls (list)
<main>w (what are users doing) sed (stream editor) ln (link)
<main> awk (progamming language) cp (copy)
<main> echo (echo arguments) mv (move)
<main> ascii (ascii table) rm (remove)
<main> od (octal dump) find (find)
<main> Mail/Messages Filesystems Permissions
<main>mail (send/receive mail) du (disk usage) chmod (change mode)
<main>write (write message) df (free disk space) chown (change owner)
<main>wall (write to all users) cd (change directory) chgrp (change group)
<main> Environment Special
<main>stty (terminal settings) ps (process status)
<main>tset (set terminal modes) kill (stop process)
<main>pwd (display working directory) vi (text editor)
<main> exec (run command)
<main p>echo
<main p>echo " Enter any command for man pages: \c"
<main p>read SELECT
<main p>if test "$SELECT" = ""
<main p>then
<main p> echo "exit" > formkey
<main p> exit 1
<main p>fi
<main p>clear
<main p>man $SELECT|pg
<main p>echo "mainmenu" > formkey
<main p>exit 0