Listing 5: A sample desktop menu system
# Listing 5
# menutxt - the menu text file for the "automated desktop" menu
<menuheader p>clear
<menuheader p>echo
<menuheader p>DATE=`date|awk '{print $1 " " $2 " " $3}'`
<menuheader p>TIME=`date|awk '{print $4}'|cut -c1-5`
<menuheader p>USER=`who am i|awk '{print $1}'`
<menuheader p>MAILMSG=`grep Message-Id: $MAIL|wc -l`
<menuheader p>echo $DATE $TIME|awk '{ printf("DATE: %-4s%-4s%-45sTIME: %-5s\n", $1,
$2, $3, $4) }'
<menuheader p>echo $MAILMSG $USER|awk '{ printf("MAIL: %-53sUSER: %-15s\n", $1, $2)
<menuheader p>echo "exit" > formkey
<menuheader p>exit 0
<mainmenu p>forms menuheader /etc/menutxt
<mainmenu p>echo "main" > formkey
<mainmenu p>exit 0
<main> 1. CALENDAR
<main> 2. CALCULATOR
<main> 3. MESSAGE MENU
<main> 4. MAIL MENU
<main> 9. EXIT
<main p>echo
<main p>echo " ENTER THE SELECTION NUMBER: \c"
<main p>read SELECT
<main p>case "$SELECT" in
<main p>
<main p> 1 ) clear;
<main p> cal `date|cut -d " " -f6`|pg;
<main p> echo "mainmenu" > formkey;
<main p> exit 0
<main p> ;;
<main p>
<main p> H1|h1 ) clear;
<main p> man cal|pg;
<main p> echo "mainmenu" > formkey;
<main p> exit 0
<main p> ;;
<main p>
<main p> 2 ) clear;
<main p> echo "Calculator is now on. Press Ctrl-d to exit . . .";
<main p> bc;
<main p> echo "mainmenu" > formkey;
<main p> exit 0
<main p> ;;
<main p>
<main p> H2|h2 ) clear;
<main p> man bc|pg;
<main p> echo "mainmenu" > formkey;
<main p> exit 0
<main p> ;;
<main p>
<main p> 3 ) clear;
<main p> echo "mesgmenu" > formkey;
<main p> exit 0
<main p> ;;
<main p>
<main p> H3|h3 ) clear;
<main p> man write|pg;
<main p> echo "mainmenu" > formkey;
<main p> exit 0
<main p> ;;
<main p>
<main p> 4 ) clear;
<main p> echo "mailmenu" > formkey;
<main p> exit 0
<main p> ;;
<main p>
<main p> H4|h4 ) clear;
<main p> man mail|pg;
<main p> echo "mainmenu" > formkey;
<main p> exit 0
<main p> ;;
<main p>
<main p> 9 ) clear;
<main p> echo "exit" > formkey;
<main p> exit 0
<main p> ;;
<main p>
<main p> * ) clear;
<main p> echo "mainmenu" > formkey;
<main p> exit 0
<main p> ;;
<main p>
<main p>esac
<mesgmenu p>forms menuheader /etc/menutxt
<mesgmenu p>echo "mesg" > formkey
<mesg> 1. SEND MESSAGE
<mesg> 9. EXIT
<mesg p>echo
<mesg p>echo " ENTER THE SELECTION NUMBER: \c"
<mesg p>read SELECT
<mesg p>case "$SELECT" in
<mesg p>
<mesg p> 1 ) clear;
<mesg p> who;
<mesg p> echo;
<mesg p> echo "Enter user id: \c";
<mesg p> read USERID;
<mesg p> write $USERID;
<mesg p> echo "mesgmenu" > formkey;
<mesg p> exit 0
<mesg p> ;;
<mesg p>
<mesg p> H1|h1 ) clear;
<mesg p> man write|pg;
<mesg p> echo "mesgmenu" > formkey;
<mesg p> exit 0
<mesg p> ;;
<mesg p>
<mesg p> 2 ) clear;
<mesg p> mesg y;
<mesg p> echo;
<mesg p> echo "Press return to continue... \c";
<mesg p> read RETURN;
<mesg p> echo "mesgmenu" > formkey;
<mesg p> exit 0
<mesg p> ;;
<mesg p>
<mesg p> 3 ) clear;
<mesg p> mesg n;
<mesg p> echo;
<mesg p> echo "Press return to continue... \c";
<mesg p> read RETURN;
<mesg p> echo "mesgmenu" > formkey;
<mesg p> exit 0
<mesg p> ;;
<mesg p>
<mesg p> 9 ) clear;
<mesg p> echo "mainmenu" > formkey;
<mesg p> exit 0
<mesg p> ;;
<mesg p>
<mesg p> * ) clear;
<mesg p> echo "mesgmenu" > formkey;
<mesg p> exit 0
<mesg p> ;;
<mesg p>
<mesg p>esac
<mailmenu p>forms menuheader /etc/menutxt
<mailmenu p>echo "mail" > formkey
<mail> MAIL MENU
<mail> 1. SEND MAIL
<mail> 2. READ MAIL
<mail> 9. EXIT
<mail p>echo
<mail p>echo " ENTER THE SELECTION NUMBER: \c"
<mail p>read SELECT
<mail p>case "$SELECT" in
<mail p>
<mail p> 1 ) clear;
<mail p> ls -x /users;
<mail p> echo "Enter user id: \c";
<mail p> read USERID;
<mail p> mail $USERID;
<mail p> echo "mailmenu" > formkey;
<mail p> exit 0
<mail p> ;;
<mail p>
<mail p> H1|h1 ) clear;
<mail p> echo "mailhelp" > formkey;
<mail p> exit 0
<mail p> ;;
<mail p>
<mail p> 2 ) clear;
<mail p> mail;
<mail p> echo "mailmenu" > formkey;
<mail p> exit 0
<mail p> ;;
<mail p>
<mail p> 9 ) clear;
<mail p> echo "mainmenu" > formkey;
<mail p> exit 0
<mail p> ;;
<mail p>
<mail p> * ) clear;
<mail p> echo "mailmenu" > formkey;
<mail p> exit 0
<mail p> ;;
<mail p>
<mail p>esac
<mailhelp>Send and receive mail:
<mailhelp>The users listed are those contained is the /user directory.
<mailhelp>Electronic mail requires the availability of sendmail and a
<mailhelp>uucp or internet connection.
<mailhelp>If you have internet access and wish to send mail to a user
<mailhelp>at another site use the address format: user@remotehost.domain
<mailhelp p>echo
<mailhelp p>echo "Press return to continue... \c"
<mailhelp p>read RETURN
<mailhelp p>echo "mailmenu" > formkey
<mailhelp p>exit 0