Figure 3: Sample default database
Comments to the right are NOT part of the database.
default:\ identification of the default entry
:d_name=default:\ database name = default
:d_boot_authenticate:\ authentication is required to boot the system
:u_pwd=*:\ default password is "*" (undefined)
:u_minchg#0:\ minimum time between password changes = 0 days
:u_exp# 3024000:\ password expires and must be changed after 35 days
:u_life#77760000:\ 90 day lifetime of a password after which account
is locked
:u_maxlen#12:\ maximum password length = 12 characters
:u_pickpw:\ users are allowed to pick their own passwords
:u_genpwd@:\ system will not generate passwords
:u_restrict:\ passwords will be tested for triviality
:u_nullpw@:\ passwords can not be null
:u_genchars@:\ system will not generate random character passwords
:u_genletters@:\ system will not generate random letter passwords
:u_maxtries#5:\ maximum consecutive unsuccessful logons allowed
:u_lock@:\ account is not administratively locked by default
:t_logdelay#5:\ wait 5 seconds between unsuccessful logon attempts
:t_maxtries#10:\ maximum number of logon attempts per terminal
:chkent: required last entry field