-r -- "r" is the minimum number of pages
that need to be read sequentially before the VMM detects a sequential
read. I have this set to 2. For example, after the VMM detects two
sequential page reads from disk, it will start pre-fetching pages
up to "R" number of pages.
-R -- "R" is the maximum number of pages
that will be read ahead. Unless you don't want this behavior,
set "R" large (i.e., 64 or 128). There is no harm in setting
it larger than your hardware can handle. I have this set to 64.
-f -- "f" is the lower limit of free real
memory pages. When the free list hits this number, the VMM starts
to free real memory pages. IBM recommends that this number be 120
times the number of CPUs you have. I would try different combinations
to see what gives you the best performance. Most of my boxes have
this set at 256.
-F -- "F" is the upper limit of free real
memory pages. When the VMM is freeing real memory pages and hits
this limit, it stops. "F" should be at least f + ( R x
4096 ). "f" and "R" are from above, 4096 is
the page size. This guarantees that there will be enough free memory
for a large disk read. I follow this for all of my servers, but
recommend trying different values to see what gives the best performance.
-h -- Setting "h" to "1" (one)
will enforce maxperm (the maximum percentage of physical
memory that can be used for file caching). I had to set this on
my production nodes because they were using too much real memory
(8-10 GB) for file caching. Managing this amount of file cache was
causing the HACMP daemons to time out and causing HACMP to think
the node had failed.
Do not change these parameters on the fly -- especially on
a production machine because it may have disastrous effects. I recommend
changing them in /etc/rc.local.