Cover V05, I04
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3


Table 1: Different methods available for form submission


The HTML within the form is composed of form inputs (via the <INPUT>,
<SELECT>, and <TEXTAREA> identifiers) as well as text describing each input.

The attributes available within the <FORM> tag are as follows:

ACTION="URL"  - URL represents the Universal Resource Locator of the server to
which the form input contents will be submitted

METHOD="GET/POST" - describes the HTTP ver. 1.0 method used to submit the form
to a server. The method (get or post) used depends on how your particular
server works

GET - the default method. Causes the form contents to be appended to the
URL as described in the main article text

POST - causes the form contents to be sent to the server in a data body
rather than as part of the URL.

NOTE: METHOD="GET" is used for all of the code within this article, since the
freeware NCSA HTTPd server functions well with it (POST is in fact supported,
but in versions 1.0a5 and above only). Also, GET is available in most server