Cover V05, I04
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Listing 1
Sidebar 1
Table 1
Table 2a
Table 2b
Table 2c


Table 2a: fvwm built-in commands: commands that define global appearances or behavior

Command Name Description
AddToMenu defines pop-up menus
AddToFunc begins a user-functions definition
ButtonStyle defines shape of buttons in window frames
ClickTimeDelay maximum delay between button press and release
ColorMapFocus sets colormap management policies
DeskTopSize defines size of the virtual screen for all desktops
EdgeResistance time-out for pointer based "edge-scrolling" between screens
EdgeScroll specifies step size for "edge-scrolling"
Function binds a function to a key or button
HilightColor coloring for window with focus
IconFont font used for labeling icons
Key binds a key to a built-in command
Mouse binds mouse buttons to built-in commands
OpaqueMoveSize maximum size of window for opaque movement
Popup binds a menu to a key, button, or sub-menu
Style sets many global or application-specific visual attributes on windows
Title inserts a title line into a popup menu
WindowFont font for window titles
XORvalue alters appearance of "rubber-band" move/resize lines