Cover V05, I04
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Listing 1
Sidebar 1
Table 1
Table 2a
Table 2b
Table 2c


Table 2b: fvwm built-in commands: commands that effect immediate actions to the session

Command Name Description
Beep generates a system "beep"
Close sends a close message to specified window
CursorMove warps pointer
Delete sends a delete message to specified window
Desk warps to a specified desktop
Destroy destroys an application window
DestroyMenu deletes a menu
Exec executes an arbitrary fvwm or system command
Focus warps focus to a specified window
GoToPage warps view to specified virtual screen
Iconify iconifies a specified window
KillModule terminates specified module's process
Lower lowers a specified window
Maximize maximizes a specified window
Menu pops up a defined menu
Module spawns the indicated module
Move moves a window's location
Nop does nothing
Next performs a given command on "next" window to meet criteria
None performs a given command on windows that fail criteria
Prev performs a given command on "previous" window to meet criteria
Quit exits fvwm
Raise raises specified window to top of stack
RaiseLower raises specified window to top, or lowers if already on top
Read reads specified filename for fvwm commands
Recapture causes fvwm to re-apply its style parameters to all windows
Refresh refreshes the screens
Resize resizes a window programmatically
Restart restarts fvwm or alternate specified window manager
Scroll scrolls the virtual desktop
Stick toggles a window's "stickyness"
Wait pauses execution until named window appears
WindowList generates popup menu listing all instantiated windows
WindowsDesk moves selected window to a specified desktop